Wise Words from Well Seasoned Farmers and Friends

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We are in for a wonderful session of reminiscing about the early and present days of organic agriculture. Warren Weber created, without having a farming background, the iconic Star Route Farms — the oldest continuously certified organic farm in California. He was an early president of CCOF, co-founder of OFRF, president of Marin Organic, and vice-president of Marin Agricultural Land Trust. Fred Rohé created the first natural foods store, New Age Natural Foods, in San Francisco in 1965; the first natural foods supermarket in 1970 in Palo Alto; the first Bay Area natural foods distributor, New Age Distributing; and the first Northern California vegetarian restaurant, Good Karma Cafe. He founded Organic Merchants (OM), the first natural foods trade association, which created the first standards for natural and organic foods.


Fred Rohé, Natural Foods Yellow Pages, Middletown, CA (invited);
Warren Weber, Star Route Farms, Bolinas, CA; another longtime farmer TBA.